1st Grade

November / December 2017

đź’—Christmas Festival đź’•

The class teacher Silvia has proposed to sing Jingle Bell Rock for the Christmas Festival. So, here it is the song video to star learning the song at home. Enjoy!!!! And many thanks to teacher Silvia. 

Noviembre 2017

* This is a video about the parts of the body to learn an extended version of the vocabulary about THE BODY. It includes more items than the book. Enjoy!

Octubre 2017


For this Halloween the students are going to sing "The trick or treat song" for the School. 

September 2017

Students, Parents, teachers... I'm going to present you our songs for our daily routines. 

* The goodbye song 
Goodbye, goodbye, the clock says goodbye.I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye everyone!  

* The good morning song 
Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.Our day is beginning, there's so much to!

                         ----------[YEAR 2016-2017]-----------

June 2017

Are you excited for summer? Are you proud of your hard work this year?

We are learning about emotions (happy, sad, angry) and states (hungry, thirsty, tired).

Is she angry? (Yes, she is. /No, she isn´t.)
Is he happy? (Yes, he is. / No, he isn´t.)
Are they tired? (Yes, they are. / No, they aren´t.)
Are you sad? (Yes, I am. / No, I´m not.)

happy- contento
sad- triste
angry- enfadado
excited- illusionado
afraid- asustado
shy- tĂ­mido
guilty- culpable
tired- cansado
jealous- celoso
loved- querido
hopeful- optimista
bored- aburrido
proud- orgulloso
sorry- sentir arrepentimiento
embarassed- avergonzado
surprised- sorprendido

May 2017

What is your favorite farm animal? 

We learned the names of different farm animals (horse, pig, goat, duck, chick, hen, sheep) and practiced using this and that (singular), these and those (plural).

Those pigs are clean.

These pigs are dirty.

April 2017
This or That!

February 2017

Practice your fruit and vegetable vocabulary using "It´s" and "They´re".

It´s an apple!
They´re carrots.
It´s a yellow banana.

January 2017

We are learning parts of the house in our daily English routine. 

Where is dad? Dad is in the living room!

 Diego D. took ColoUring to Alcalá to visit his cousins. Looks like they had fun!

December 2019


This year for Thanksgiving we learned about the history of the holiday and the various traditions that take place in American households. We watched videos about the first Thanksgiving meal and talk about the different things we are thankful for. Then each student decorated the feathers of our special Thanksgiving turkey. 

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